
During your college career, you’ll learn as much outside of the classroom as in it. University of Arizona clubs are a great way to make friends, network with professionals, and reinforce classroom learning through meaningful service and professional engagement. You have more than 600 clubs to choose from to meet like-minded friends and advisors.

Clubs of special interest in the School of Plant Sciences

Work toward educating the university and Tucson community about the life sciences, sustainability, and the environment as part of this non-profit organization.

Plant Science Club

Pursue institutionalized sustainability at the university and within the surrounding community through this program of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona.

Students for Sustainability

Build relationships between students and faculty and educate students and others about the environment as you connect with professional organizations and the community through this student-run club.

Environmental Science Club

Get into mushroom cultivation and mycology and gain hands-on experience at every step of the process as part of this club.


Come together with other students and academic members to promote interest in microbiology and all related fields, including pathology, immunology, virology, mycology, parasitology, and bacteriology.

Microbiology Club

Club projects introduce members to product and recipe development and small production projects for various products such as fermented foods and beverages, cheese and bakery goods.

Food Science Club

More student clubs

Learn more about other clubs in the College of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Sciences, which includes the School of Plant Sciences.