Business Office

Business Office Information and Requests

Financial Requests

  • For all financial requests (PCard, Expense/Travel Reimbursements, Order/Payment Requests, etc.) please use the Financial Form above.
  • For Voyager receipts, please select the Financial Form link above and within you will find a link to the Dept Voyager submission form.
  • For Travel Authorizations (TA), please select the Financial Form link above and within you will find a link to the UA Travel Module where you can process your TA.
  • If you have any requests that are not listed in the form, please contact directly and one of our team members will respond.

Administrative Requests

  • For all Administrative requests (Facilities Management requests, Key/Building Requests, Room reservations, Truck reservations & Motor pool requests, Surplus, etc.) please use the Admin Form link above.
  • If you have any requests that are not listed in the form, please contact directly and one of our team members will respond.

Human Resources Requests

For all HR requests, please visit the Human Resources Client Services Request Page.

SPLS Business Office Personnel

Headshot of Bonnie Gilmore

Bonnie Gilmore

Extension Coordinator
Headshot of Jennifer Rascon

Jennifer Rascon

Business Manager
Headshot of Kevin Teres

Kevin Teres

Manager, Finance and Administration