Industrial Plant & Microbial Technology Emphasis

Applied Biotechnology: Industrial Plant & Microbial Biotechnology Emphasis

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A bachelor's degree in Applied Biotechnology, industrial plant and microbial biotechnology emphasis, allows you to gain an in-depth understanding of the genetic engineering and growth of plants and microbes to make products.

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About the Industrial Plant and Microbial Biotechnology Emphasis

This degree emphasis can lead to a career in a range of industries -- from developing manufacturing processes for biotechnology products, to monitoring product quality and safety in biotechnology facilities, to genetically engineering microorganisms and plants to synthesize products such as vaccines, enzymes and biofuels. It also can lead to graduate studies in agriculture, manufacturing, medicine, business and more.

Degree requirements

Courses required to complete a B.S. in Applied Biotechnology, industrial plant and microbial biotechnology emphasis, are subject to change, so remember to meet with your advisor regularly to review your course plan.

Course examples

You’ll work with your advisor to create a course plan that includes core and elective classes. Some industrial plant and microbial biotechnology emphasis course options include:

  • Core Concepts in Molecular Microbiology
  • Industrial Biotechnology
  • Plant Biochemistry and Metabolic Engineering
  • Bioethics
  • Biotechnology Laboratory

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