Samantha Orchard

Previously worked as a scientist in the biotechnology industry and now facilitates student learning of biotechnology. Specialties are heterologous protein production and industrial use of microbes. [Dr. Orchard does not train graduate students.]
PLS 170C2 Introductory Biotechnology (EP-Natural Scientist General Education course)
MCB/MIC/PLS 340 Introduction to Biotechnology (foundational concepts that drive Biotechnology)
PLS 340L Biotechnology laboratory (hands-on microbial molecular biology, cloning, heterologous protein production)
PLS 434 534 Industrial Biotechnology (especially the use of microbial fermentation to make biotechnology products)
ACBS/NSC/PLS 498C Applied Biotechnology Senior Capstone (for seniors who are majors in the Applied Biotechnology program)
- NIH postdoctoral fellow, bacterial genetics, San Diego State University (Dr. Anca Segall)
- Ph.D., Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Dr. Heidi Goodrich-Blair)
- B.S., Microbiology, University of Washington-Seattle