Carl Schmalzel
Research Specialist, Senior

1..Have worked with maize, sorghum, small grains, cotton, alfalfa, guayule, guar, pomegranates, switch grass, millets, cucurbits, oilseeds, grapes.
2. Maintain and modify equipment for planting, cultural operations, threshing and seed cleaning.
- B.S. Biology, University of ArizonaM.S. Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Arizona
- Though not assigned to a specific lab, have worked with Dr. Peter Cotty, Dr. Vicki Chandler, Dr. Ken Feldmann, Dr. Alex Hu, Dr. Brian Larkins, Dr. William McCloskey, Dr. Michael Ottman, Dr. Dennis Ray, Dr. Ursula Schuch, Dr. Rick Ward, Dr. Ramin Yadegari